Una curiosità sul cofanetto di Springsteen The Promise The Darkness on the Edge of Town Story di ormai prossima uscita.
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Una curiosità sul cofanetto di Springsteen The Promise The Darkness on the Edge of Town Story di ormai prossima uscita.
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Running Into The Darkness è il bootleg della della terza serata (su 4) di Bruce Springsteen e la E-street band
a Boston il 24 marzo 1977:
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Holiday shopping just got a lot easier for the Bruce Springsteen devotees in your life. According to Rolling Stone, E Street Band guitarist Steve Van Zandt told a UK radio station that Christmas 2010 will see the long-awaited ‘Darkness on the Edge of Town’ reissue. “We’re doing a little bit of fixes on some ‘Darkness on the Edge of Town’ outtakes, which is going to be a really fun reissue coming for Christmas,” the guitarist said in the interview.
The big news for fans though is that the reissue of the classic 1978 album, which features such classics as ‘Badlands’ and ‘Prove It All Night,’ will include unreleased material. “We put 10 or so outtakes on the [1998] ‘Tracks’ box set and we [have since] found 10 more,” Van Zandt revealed. “I’m not sure how many we’ll put on there. We’ll go back and he might finish a lyric on one or two, or finish a harmony on one or two, but we’ll keep them intact pretty much.”
The follow-up to Springsteen’s breakthrough ‘Born to Run’ album, ‘Darkness’ is considered equal or even superior by some Springsteen aficionados. During the recording period, Springsteen was involved in legal battles with former manager Mike Appel and the fury and pent-up frustration of that period of inactivity can be heard throughout the anthemic feel of many of the songs off ‘Darkness.’ Many of the tracks are also fan concert favorites, with ‘Badlands’ often taking the closing spot during recent tours.
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Interessante raccolta con 17 versioni Sad Eyes suonate da Bruce Springsteen dal 1976 al 1978.
La scaletta:
1. 9/30/76 Civic Centre, Santa Monica CA
2. 10/10/76 University of Miami, Oxford OH
3. 10/29/76 Palladium, NYC
4. 10/30/76 Palladium, NYC
5. 11/4/76 The Palladium, New York, NY
6. 2/13/77 Maple Leaf Gardens, Toronto, Canada
7. 2/22/77 Arena Auditorium, Milwaukie, WI
8. 3/4/77 The Auditorium, Jacksonville, FL
9. 3/13/77 Towson State Univ, Baltimore, MD
10. 3/23/77 Music Hall, Boston, MA
11. 3/25/77 Boston Music Hall, Boston, MA
12. 5/31/78 The Music Hall, Boston, MA
13. 6/16/78 Memorial Hall, Kansas City, MO
14. 8/4/78 Civic Centre, Charleston, WV
15. 9/30/78 The Fox Theatre, Atlanta, GA
16. 12/31/78 Richfield Coliseum, Cleveland, OH
17. 12/19/78 Paramount Theater, Portland, OR
Il commento del realizzatore della raccolta:
Bruce Springsteen
Sad Eyes Compilation Disc “Saddest Eyes”
This disc contains seventeen versions of “Sad Eyes”, spanning its first appearance in 1976 to its last appearance at the end of the ’78 tour.
(For those who may not be familiar with the ‘song’, “Sad Eyes” is what people call the interlude at the end of Backstreets that eventually became “Drive All Night” on The River album.)
OK, everyone’s got their favorite. As can be seen by their recent popularity, NYC Serenade and Thunder Road are certainly many people’s faves. I was always fascinated by Sad Eyes, especially how it changed over the three tours in which it was performed. Starting from a short interlude in 1976, then moving into a long and always-changing story, and finally developing into what later became a released song.
So I undertook a project to compile the best versions from all the best recordings, chronicling its evolution and creating a history of the piece.
I admit it – I love this disc. Of the hundreds (thousands?) of Bruce shows I’ve listened to over the last 25 years, this disc contains 90% of the material that when listening, blew me away. From the kings ringing the bells, to Joey the cop, the screaming “YOU LIED!!!!” God and the angels blowing the whole town into the sea, the old Cadillac (sitting in the back seat) and the burning farmhouse, Billy shooting his .22 at the shadows, such pretty lies, driving all night to buy some shoes, the short addition as a prelude to Backstreets, and even with an argument with a girl in the audience.
But the question is still unresolved – WHO IS TERRY? Is Terry a male friend, or is Terry his girlfriend?
Lineage – varies, but all are from CDs; some probably CDR copies of the silvers, some directly off the silver. Didn’t have an extractor/ripper, so used a microscope to transcribe the 1s and 0s into a text file, then just changed the extension to .wav – But NOTHING mp3-sourced! Lineage before they got to the silver boots? Uh, probably a home-rigged mic setup, recorded from the third stall in the men’s room, transferred through four generations of mis-aligned tape until finally bootlegged to vinyl, then played, scratched and mishandled for twenty years before being transferred to CD and sold by the bootleggers as the “Gold Limited Edition” version.
Mi mancava questo concerto del 25 novembre 1978 di Bruce Springsteen e la E-street band a St Louis intitolato Opera Out On The Turnpike.
Audio discreto, c’e’ un po’ tanto fruscio, ma bisogna considerare che è un bootleg di 32 anni fa.
La scaletta della serata:
CD 1
01. Badlands
02. Streets Of Fire
03. Spirit In The Night
04. Darkness On The Edge Of Town
05. Independence Day
06. The Promised Land
07. Prove It All Night
08. Racing In The Street
09. Thunder Road
CD 2
01. Jungleland
02. For You
03. The Ties That Bind
04. Fire
05. Candy’s Room
06. Because The Night
07. Point Blank
08. Mona / She’s The One
09. Backstreets
CD 3
01. Rosalita (Come Out Tonight)
02. Born To Run
03. Tenth Avenue Freeze-Out
04. Detroit Medley
05. Quarter To Three
Video tratto dal bootleg 70’s reel. Soundcheck al Capitol nel 1978.
Buona giornata.
Secondo bootleg della serata, in ordine di apparizione, di queto storico concerto di Springsteen e la E-street band. L’ altro bootleg si intitola Summertime Blues.
title: Big Time Rock & Roll
‘Label’: Ev2
Format: 3CD
Source: Audience
Date: August 21, 1978.
Location: Madison Square Garden, New York, NY.
Taper: Mr. Anonymous
Source: Sony 158SD Cassette>CDR
Disc One:
01 Summertime Blues
02 Badlands
03 Spirit In The Night
04 Darkness On The Edge Of Town
05 Heartbreak Hotel
06 Factory
07 The Promised Land
08 Prove It All Night
09 Introduction
10 Racing In The Street
11 Thunder Road
12 Jungleland
Disc Two:
01 Introduction
02 Paradise By The C
03 The Fever
04 “Some Summer Songs”
05 Sherry Darling
06 4th Of July, Asbury Park (Sandy)
07 Introduction
08 Sweet Little Sixteen
09 Not Fade Away / Gloria
10 She’s The One
11 Growin’ Up
12 Backstreets
13 Rosalita (Come Out Tonight)
Disc Three:
01 Born To Run
02 Because The Night
03 Quarter To Three
04 High School Confidential
05 Adam Raised A Cain
06 It’s Hard To Be A Saint In The City
07 Good Rocking Tonight
08 Streets Of Fire
09 Candy’s Room
10 Prove It All Night
11 Intro
12 For You
13 Backstreets
– D3Tracks 4-6: August 23, 1978. Madison Square Garden, New York, NY.
– D3Tracks 7-13: August 22, 1978.Madison Square Garden, New York, NY.
– Sourced from ‘Mr. Anonymous’ master recording, uploaded by ‘Fanatic Records’.
– Springsteen’s first show at Madison Square Garden as the headliner.
– Huge thanks to mr. anonymous for sharing his recordings with everyone!
Ieri ascoltavo questo bootleg del concerto che Springsteen (e la E-stree band) tennero all’ Hampton Coliseum il 14 agosto del 1978.
High School Confidential
Spirit In The Night
Darkness On The Edge Of Town
The Promised Land
Prove It All Night
Racing In The Street
Thunder Road
Paradise By The C
For You
4th Of July, Asbury Park
Sweet Little Sixteen
Not Fade Away – Gloria – She’s The One
Growin’ Up
Rosalita (Come Out Tonight)
Born To Run
Because The Night
Quarter To Three
Registrazione discreta ma del Darkness tour si trova molto di meglio
Uno dei più famosi concerti (bootleg) di Springsteen e della E-Street band. Si trovano diverse registrazioni di quella serata di 30 anni fa: Live at Winterland, Winterland Night della Crystal Cat e Live in the Promised Land della Great Dane Records per dirne alcune oltre che ovviamente Walking in a Springsteen Wonderland (HOJO production).
Il concerto era stato trasmesso per radio, per questo la qualità era già molto buona in partenza però dopo la rimasterizzazione da parte della HOJO production è assolutamente fantastica, uno dei bootleg da avere assolutamente.
Ecco la scaletta:
01 Badlands
02 Streets of fire
03 Spirit in the night
04 Darkness on the edge of town
05 Factory
06 The promised land
07 Prove it all night [With long guitar intro]
08 Racing in the street
09 Thunder road
10 Jungleland
11 The ties that bind
12 Santa Claus is comin’ to town
13 The fever
14 Fire
15 Candy’s room
16 Because the night
17 Point blank
18 Mona
19 Preacher’s daughter
20 I get mad
21 She’s the one
22 Backstreets
23 Sad eyes – interlude
24 Rosalita (Come out tonight)
25 Born to run
26 Detroit Medley
27 10th avenue freeze-out
28 Raise your hand
29 Twist and shout
30 Quarter to three
Qui potete trovare un sample audio della serata.
Per festeggiare il trentennale regalo una copia del concerto al primo interessato che lascerà un commento qua sotto.
Uno dei classici bootleg video di Springsteen. Ovviamente è in bianco in nero,
la qualità è buona considerando l’ epoca.
Questa versione contiene anche il soundcheck:
1. Titles
2. Wedding bells
3. The ties that bind
4. Good rockin’ tonight
5. Point Blank
6. Kitty’s Back
Ed ecco la scaletta del concerto:
01 Badlands
02 Streets of fire
03 Spirit in the night
04 Darkness on the edge of town
05 Independence day
06 The promised land
07 Prove it all night
08 Racing in the street
09 Thunder road
10 Meeting across The river
11 Jungleland
12 Kitty’s back
13 Fire
14 Candy’s room
15 Because the night
16 Point blank
17 Not fade away
18 She’s the one
19 Backstreets
20 Rosalita (Come out tonight)
21 4th of July, Asbury Park (Sandy)
22 Born to run
23 10th avenue freeze-out
24 Detroit Medley
25 Raise your hand
Mi trovo con una copia in più del concerto in questione, sono due DVD.
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e gliela manderò. Ovviamente gratis prima di generare equivoci.