Terzo capitolo della raccolta Dream Whatever You Want questa dedicata a Born to run.
Quella su Greeting la potete trovare qui.
Terzo capitolo della raccolta Dream Whatever You Want questa dedicata a Born to run.
Quella su Greeting la potete trovare qui.
Serata conclusiva per il tour di Working on a dream per Bruce Springsteen e la E-street band quella del 22 novembre 2009.
Concerto lunghissimo di quasi 210 minuti per un totale di 34 canzoni come testimonia questo doppio DVD bootleg.
Come per tutti gli ultimi lavori dei NY Bitch Committee le riprese sono da maxi schermo.
1. Wrecking Ball
2. The Ties That Bind
3. Hungry Heart
4. Working On A Dream
5. Blinded By The Light
6. Growin’ Up (WITH STORY!!!!!!!)
8. Does This Bus Stop at 82nd Street?
9. Lost in the Flood
11. For You
12. Spirit in the Night
13. It’s Hard to be a Saint in the City
14. Waitin’ on a Sunny Day
15. The Promised Land
16. RESTLESS NIGHTS (for Steve’s birthday)
17. Surprise, Surprise (for Steve’s birthday–cake and candles)
collecting signs to Green Onions
19. Santa Claus is Coming to Town
21. Boom Boom
22. My Love Will Not Let You Down
23. Long Walk Home
24. The Rising
25. Born to Run
26. Tenth Avenue Freeze-Out
28. Thunder Road
29. American Land
30. Dancing in the Dark
31. Rosalita (Come Out Tonight)
32. Higher and Higher (w/ Willie Nile)
33. Rocking All Over the World
Ottimo bootleg audio della Godfather del concerto di Bruce Springsteen e la E-street band al Madison Square Garden il 9 novembre del 2009.
La scaletta della serata:
101 Wrecking ball
102 Introduction to the river
103 The ties that bind
104 Sherry darling
105 Jackson cage
106 Two hearts
107 Independence day
108 Hungry heart
109 Out in the street
110 Crush on you
111 You can look (but you better not touch)
112 I wanna mary you
113 The river
114 Point blank
115 Cadillac ranch
116 I’m a rocker
201 Fade away
202 Stolen car
203 Ramrod
204 The price you pay
205 Drive all night
206 Wreck on the highway
207 Waitin’ on a sunny day
208 Atlantic city
209 Badlands
210 Born to run
211 Seven nights to rock
301 Sweet soul music
302 No surrender
303 American land
304 Dancing in the dark
305 Can’t help falling in love
306 Higher and higher
307 The fever
308 This hard land
401 Thundercrack
402 The E street shuffle
403 4th of july, Asbury Park (Sandy)
404 Kitty’s back
405 Wild billy’s circus story
406 Incident on 57th street
407 Rosalita (come out tonight)
408 New York city serenade
409 Higher and higher
Il bootleg si compone di tre cd più un quarto con il meglio della serata precedente.
Bootleg audio del concerto di Springsteen a Philadelphia il 19 ottobre dello scorso durante il tour di Working on a dream.
Qui potete trovare il DVD bootleg della sera del 13 ottobre mentre qui il DVD con una raccolta di video delle serate allo Spectrum.
I dettagli del triplo CD:
“All Shook Up”
Bruce Springsteen & The E Street Band
Philadelphia, PA
October 19, 2009
Remastered by Fanatic Records
Bruce and the E Street Band really pulled out all the stops at these last shows at Giants Stadium and again at the old Philadelphia Spectrum. They are all special and worth having!
When I initially downloaded this show I thought the sound was clean and it was great to hear all these rarities. I thankFlying Gonz for that. I put the show away and moved on to other pending projects. Then I got a request from MusicDav(who was at the Spectrum for this gig) and I put it on the back burner. After revisiting the show and comparing it to someof the other recent recordings that had been EQed, I realized that the volume was a little low and it could use tweaking.
Unlike other shows, the bass was brought up, along with the middle and high end. I added fades to the beginning and end ofeach disc and removed the usual audience noise before the encores. I’m very pleased to say that I’m extremely happy with theresults and wish to share it with the community.
The one thing I want to mention about the last stretch of the tour is Bruce’s decision to hire the services of the remarkable Curt Ramm. Curt is an amazing Jazz musician and his contributions on trumpet has elevated the music to a new high. Curt was a player on the “Live From Dublin” with the Sessions Band. If you haven’t visited Curt’s official website: www.curtramm.com ,you should. Especially if you are into Jazz, like myself.
Disc 1:
01 When You Walk in the Room
02 Two Hearts
03 My Love Will Not Let You Down
04 Hungry Heart
05 Working on a Dream
06 Thunder Road
07 Tenth Avenue Freeze-out (with Curt Ramm)
08 Night
09 Backstreets
10 Born to Run
11 She’s the One
12 Meeting Across the River (with Curt Ramm)
13 Jungleland
Disc 2:
01 Waitin’ on a Sunny Day
02 Raise Your Hand (with Curt Ramm)
03 It’s Hard to Be a Saint in the City
04 I Wanna Marry You
05 All Shook Up/Blue Suede Shoes
06 Radio Nowhere
07 Lonesome Day
08 The Rising
09 Badlands
10 No Surrender
Disc 3:
01 Land of Hope and Dreams
02 American Land (with Curt Ramm)
03 Bobby Jean
04 Dancing in the Dark
05 Rosalita (with Curt Ramm)
06 You Can’t Sit Down
In realtà avrei voluto far uscire questo post la settimana scorsa ma il tempo è volato un po’ troppo velocemente.
Questi sono stati i post (ad argomento Springsteen ovviamente) più letti dello scorso anno.
Se non ho fatto casino dovrebbero essere 12 post, uno per mese.
Proposte per due ulteriori post da aggiungere come bonus?
Doppio DVD bootleg del primo concerto (su 5) al Giants Stadium per Bruce Springsteen e la E-street band.
Prima esecuzione per Wrecking Ball, qui potete trovare la scaletta completa della serata mentre più sotto trovate i dettagli del bootleg realizzato anche in questo caso dalla NYC Bitch Committee.
Authored with song chapter menu
Dubbed audio
multi-cam mix
Screen and stage shot
Album “Born to run” was performed.
Qui e qui potete trovare qualche spezzone del concerto.
Una delle più classiche canzoni di Springsteen: Born to run. Video estratto dal concerto di Hyde Park dello scorso giugno durante il tour di Working on a dream.
Buona domenica.
È tratto ovviamente dal tour di Working on dream questo DVD bootleg.
Si tratta di una raccolta divisa in due parti, nella prima ci sono tutte le canzoni di Greetings mentre nella seconda ci sono i bonus.
Qualità discreta, sicuramente non diventerà uno dei miei bootleg di Springsteen preferiti.
Un altro DVD bootleg di un concerto di Springsteen realizzato da NYCBC, la scaletta la trovate qui: Second Night at the Madison Square Garden.
I dettagli del DVD:
The River night
1. Wrecking Ball
2. Ties that Bind
3.Sherry Darling
4. Jackson Cage
5. Two Hearts
6. Independence Day
7. Hungry Heart
8. Out in the Street
9. Crush On You
10. You Can Look (But You Better Not Touch)
11. I Wanna Marry You
12. The River
13. Point Blank
14. Cadillac Ranch
15. I’m a Rocker
16. Fade Away
17. Stolen Car
18. Ramrod
19. Price You Pay
20. Drive All Night
21. Wreck on the Highway
22. Waiting on a sunny day
23. Atlantic City
24. Badlands
25. Born to Run
26. Seven Nights to Rock
28. No Surrender
29. American Land
30. Dancing in the Dark
32. Higher and Higher
Che ne dite di questa versione?
Secondo me è meravigliosa.