Un video dal Daily Show del 20 marzo scorso con ospite Bruce Springsteen, seguendo il link sulla destra potete trovare la seconda parte.
Category Archives: springsteen
Magic Tour 2007, Milano – Ciao Milanoooo
Secondo parte del nostro giro d’ Europa durante il Magic tour( la prima la potete trovare qui).
Milano ci accoglie con la consueta festosa salva di clacson, tanto che a un certo punto mi pare di distinguere la melodia di Born to Run.
Prossima puntata: Stoccarda
Magic Tour 2007, Milano – Preparativi e partenza
In attesa di che il Working on a dream parta (vi ricordo il sorteggio del bootleg) eccovi qualche appunto di Larry dal tour precedente:
Magic Tour 2007, Milano – Preparativi e partenza
Il 28 novembre arriva ogni anno, ma io sono riuscita a farmi cogliere impreparata.
Nei giorni che lo hanno preceduto, sono stata troppo occupata a farmi prendere dalla trepidazione per preoccuparmi di cose caduche come la lavatrice, le batterie della macchina fotografica, le cassette della videocamera….
Per questo il povero Zzi è impazzito nei preparativi; io stavo gioendo e arringando chiunque mi capitasse a tiro sulla magnificenza dei concerti di Springsteen e altre analoghe banalità.
Come è consuetudine, l’ho a tratti anche rinnegato (Springsteen, non Zzi), ma lo stress mi porta sempre un po’ di indebolimento nella Fede.
La vigilia, più che un avvento, è stata il giovedì dei sepolcri, cioè il giorno in cui ho scoperto che due miei carissimi amici, cui darò un nome di fantasia: Defe & Tardu (a sottolineare il loro acume), non saranno al concerto.
Non c’era mai stato un concerto in Italia con la E Street che io avessi visto senza di loro, e già mi figuravo di cercare i loro volti fra il pubblico per scambiare uno sguardo di intesa e non trovarli, con la tipica sensazione da fidanzato-che-ti-lascia-e-che-c’ha-un’altra: ti capita una cosa che in un qualche modo lo riguarda, ma non puoi condividerla più con lui.
La cosa che mi è spiaciuta davvero è il fatto che non avendo avuto modo di procurarsi i biglietti non siano venuti da me, e constatare amaramente come i rapporti umani somiglino ai calzini, nel loro consumarsi silenziosamente e inesorabilmente finchè non trovi un buco, proprio là, dove c’era una cucitura che pareva tanto salda.
Amo dire che ho la sindrome dell’ape regina nei confronti della mia ristrettissima cerchia di amici, che paragono ad un alveare. E quando – BZZZ – mi accorgo che un’altra apetta è volata via, soffro parecchio.
Potrei anche chiamarla sindrome da Puertorican Jane (“Spanish Johnny you can leave me tonight, but just don’t leave me alone”) , ma non amo sprecare citazioni springsteeniane, e soprattutto mi farebbe passare da baldracca
Tutto questo significa, dunque, una sola cosa veramente importante:
Due teste di meno fra me e Bruce, due polsi di meno fra me e i braccialetti. Altro che apette: Baygon!
Magari nessuno dei miei adorati amici venisse….magari nessuno-di-nessuno venisse.
Solo io, Bruce e Zzi – solo se sta buono, fermo e zitto, però. Il che, ammettiamolo, gli viene piuttosto bene.
Il ventotto mattina si parte di buon ora, dopo 124 controlli ai biglietti e 0 alla manopola del gas.
Il viaggio scorre; come di consueto, io canto a squarciagola e Zzitalia subisce lo strazio, tentando vanamente di interromperlo con una conversazione, che io a malapena sostengo a monosillabi fra un verso e l’altro.
Chiunque mi sia stato vicino a un concerto sa quanto io riesca ad essere stonata nonostante l’ammasso di decibel che mi viene riversato nelle orecchie; ascoltarmi in macchina con il solo sotegno dell’autoradio equivale, con una notevole dose di ottimismo, a giocare al “motivo misterioso”: bisogna essere esperti conoscitori per indovinare cosa sto eseguendo.
Sabato la seconda parte, intanto potete visitare i blog di Larry qui (dove si parla un po’ di tutto, vedi topic selezionato) e qui (dove si parla dei nostri viaggi).
Ecco la scaletta di ieri sera:
1. Badlands
2. Outlaw Pete
3. My Lucky Day
4. No Surrender
5. Out in the Street
6. Working on a Dream
7. Seeds
8. Johnny 99 (kick ass rock version)
9. Ghost of Tom Joad (pure electric – this rocked)
10. Good Eye
11. Darlington County
12. Waiting on a Sunny Day
13. The Promised Land
14. The Wrestler
15. Kingdom of Days
16. Lonesome Day (with Jay Weinberg on drums)
17. Radio Nowhere (with JW on drums)
18. Born to Run (yes, as the set closer — with JW on drums)
19. Hard Times
20. Dancing in the Dark
21. Tenth Avenue Freezeout
22. Land of Hope and Dreams
23. American Land
Dovrebbe essere confermata.
Decisamente meglio della serata precedente.
Che ne pensate?
Prima rehearsal ufficiale per il Working on a dream tour ieri sera ad Asbury Park, come previsto diverse canzoni sono state eseguite da Jay Weinberg.
La setlist:
Outlaw Pete
My Lucky Day
Out in the Street
Working on a Dream
Johnny 99
I Ain’t Got No Home
Good Eye (with Jay Weinberg)
Radio Nowhere (w/ J.W.)
Candy’s Room (w/ J.W.)
Because the Night (w/ J.W.)
Mary’s Place (w/ J.W.)
The Wrestler
This Life
Long Walk Home
Surprise, Surprise
No Surrender
* * *
Hard Times
Mustang Sally (w/ John Eddie)
Thunder Road
Born to Run
American Land
Seven Nights to Rock
Qui potete trovare un video della serata mentre questo è il link a jungleland.
Qualche nota di chi era presente:
Clarence looks OLD, and not particularly good
Steve looks fat, and is still getting more lead guitar work than Nils
Jay Weinberg is the real deal..fit in with the band great. Max looked like a proud papa.
Stasera si replica.
Ufficiale che il batterista della E-street band, per qualche data del tour europeo, sarà Jay Weinberg:
March 20, 2009 Printable Version
Statement About Tour Personnel
In response to the many questions concerning the upcoming tour, the drummer on the small number of shows that Max Weinberg won’t be able to appear at will be a brilliant young drummer from New Jersey named Jay Weinberg. Commenting on the situation, Bruce said: “Once again, I want to express my appreciation to Conan O’Brien, and everyone on his team, for making it possible for Max to continue to do double duty for both us and for him. We promise to return him in one piece.”
from Shorefire 20.03.2009
Continuano le prove per il nuovo tour, a breve dovrebbero essere messi in vendita i biglietti per i rehaearsal ufficiali della prossima settimana.
Da notare la presenza delle due coriste della Seeger session band.
Ecco intanto il report di Stan:
Wednesday’s rehearsals at Convention Hall had a lot less songs played than Tuesday.
Bruce and the band were working on lots of parts of songs and we also learned about two backup singers who will be on the tour.
Bruce, Patti and Soozie were there early today, arriving at 10:15 a.m. The two backup singers also arrived early. We believe they may have been working on some of the backup stuff as most of the band didn’t arrive til around noon.
The backup singers are Curtis King and Cindy Mizelle, who were both in the Seeger Sessions Band and toured with Bruce in 2006. You may remember Cindy’s great singing in “Further On Up The Road.”
We didn’t recogzie Cindy yesterday, as she has a full afro now and looks different from when she was with the Seeger Sessions Band.
Music started at 12:55 p.m. with the band working on a reggae-sounding song. Couldn’t really make it out but sounded like they were singing “Shine the Light.”
Later they went into:
1. Outlaw Pete
They were doing some “vocalizing” on the end parts. Worked on it a few times.
2. My Lucky Day
3. No Surrender
4. Out In The Street
Same way it was performed on past tours. Nils, Patti, Steven and Clarence doing vocals at the end.
5. Working On a Dream
Again some Clarence sax at the end.
6. Johnny 99
Full band version
7. I Ain’t Got No Home
The Woody Guthrie song. They played it twice.
There was about a 45-minute break before they started up again.
8. Good Eye
On the bullet mic
9. This Life
They worked on the “bah, bahhh, bah” parts on the end a few times.
Played this three times overall.
10. Surprise, Surprise
Sax at the end.
That was it for the day.
Max, Charlie Giordano and Soozie Tyrell signed autographs for fans on their way out. A friend also told me Nils was very gracious and signed for fans still around later.
Bruce and Patti drove out together. They waved to the fans going down the ramp but did not stop to sign anything today. There were a lot of fans (60 or so) around at the end.
Garry Tallent, Max and Jay Weinberg signed autographs for fans coming in today.
Although it seemed to be warm elsewhere, it was very cold down on the boardwalk. Very windy.
Springsteen suonerà alla festa per i 90 anni di Pete Seeger il prossimo 3 maggio al Madison Square Garden.
Qui potete trovare la lista con tutti i partecipanti all’ evento.
Il programma originale:
Pete Seeger is turning 90 years old on Sunday, May 3rd. There’s going to be a huge party/fundraiser at Madison Square Garden to mark the occasion. All of the proceeds raised will go directly to The Hudson River Sloop Clearwater, an environmental charity that Pete started back in 1966 to help clean up the Hudson River.
The list of artists who will perform is truly impressive and a testament to Pete’s work as a musician, environmentalist, educator and activist. We hope to see you there. It should be a blast!
For complete concert information including the full list of artists, go to: www.Seeger90.com
Speriamo che esca un bootleg ….
Ecco la scaletta delle prove di ieri, martedi 17 marzo:
Faith was rewarded for about 50 fans who stayed until about 5:40 p.m. as Bruce Springsteen came out after rehearsals at Asbury Park’s Convention Hall and signed autographs and posed for some pictures.
Bruce walked from the top of the ramp alongside Convention Hall and made his way down the corridor between Convention Hall and the Paramount Theatre and stopped and shooked hands with just about every fan and signed a lot of autographs.
He then walked to the bottom of the ramp and met people there. He again signed autographs and shook hands and took pictures.
It was pretty incredible as he said hello to all the fans waiting.
A great day of rehearsals with some unique songs played.
Jeremy (Bosstime55) got his picture taken with Bruce and will post it later. He had to head to work.
I’m sure there will be others posting their pictures also.
Really nice of Bruce do that. Thank you Bruce.
Good day for autographs as Nils Lofgren, Max Weinberg, Jay Weinberg, Garry Tallent, Charles Giordano and Little Steven signed for the fans on their way in.
Today was Clarence Clemons first day at rehearsals and the “Big Man” arrived appropriately in a big stretch limo.
Bruce didn’t arrive til 1:15 p.m. Patti was not there today.
Prior to Bruce arriving, the band worked on a few songs with Steven/Nils doing the lead vocals:
1. Lonesome Day
2. Murder Inc.
3. No Surrender
4. Dancin In The Dark
5. Adam Raised a Cain
6. Darkness On the Edge of Town
Bruce then arrived there was a shot break and the music started up at 2 p.m.
1. Good Eye
They worked on it wice.
2. Lucky Day
3. Night
4. No Surrender
5. This Life
Worked on the end part a bit. We may have some backup singers on the tour, more on that later
6. Working on A Dream
Yes, there is the whistling part. They played this half way through and started back up a bit.
Clarence played some sax at the end of the song.
7. Johnny 99
Played with the full band. Sounded like the version played on the 2004 Vote For Change Tour.
Had some nice piano in it and pedal steel. Nice rocking version.
8. Stand On it
Didn’t play the whole song but started and stopped it.
9. I Ain’t Got No Home
The surprise song of the day. The Woody Guthrie song.
According to the always reliable Flynn:
The first time I Ain’t Got No Home was played by Bruce in concert in front of a live audience was Sept 23, 1988, in Oakland. It was also played at shows on March 23, 1993 (Basie), and June 24, 1993 (Meadowlands). It has not been played at a concert since June 24, 1993.
10. Radio Nowhere
11. Youngstown
Nice Nils guitar sole in there.
12. Because The Night
13. She’s The One
Bruce played harmonica at the end
14. Mary’s Place
15. This Life
16. Kingdom of Days
17. Life Itself
a half hour break before starting up again with:
18. Outlaw Pete
19. Long Walk Home
20. Surpise Surpise
Nice Clarence sax solo at the end
21. How Can A Poor Man Stand Such Times and Live
The song that Bruce played on the Seeger Sessions Tour. They did not play the whole song.
Curtis King, who was one of the backup singers on the Seeger Sessions Tour, was there today and there may have been one other backup singer. Maybe Bruce is deciding if he wants to use them on this tour.
When Bruce arrived after 1 p.m., he was driven up the ramp and surprisingly he came down to say hello to the fans. A couple of people got pictures with him and a few handshakes but that was it.
Security then set up barriers in the concourse between the Paramount Theatre and Convention Hall and this made is good for later on, when Bruce came walking out and was able to sign autographs, shake hands and greet everyone along the barrier.
Max Weinberg signed autographs on the way out and Clarence stoped in his limo on the way out of the lot on Ocean Avenue and signed for a few people.
Most fans around all week. The bar (Caroline O’Tooles) was open inside Convention Hall so people were able to enjoy a beer on St. Patrick’s Day.
Pretty cold out today, not horrible, but as I type this, I’m still strying to warm up.
Scaletta presa da SPL.
Le prove dei giorni precedenti le potete trovare qui e qui.
Secondo voi come aprirà il Working on a dream tour?
Continuano le prove per il tour di Working on a dream.
Ieri Springsteen non si è visto come riportato dal solito Stan:
All the action moved over to Convention Hall today.
It apparently was a rehearsal for Max’s son, Jay, to learn the material.
No Bruce, Clarence, Steve, Patti or Soozie.
Roy, Charlie, Max, Garry and Nils were there along with Jay.
They ran through a bunch of different songs, with Jay Weinberg playing along.
Songs rehearsed today (with Nils doing the vocals) were:
1. Jungleland 2. Night 3. Beacuse The Night. 4. Badland 5. Adam Raised a Cain 6. American Land 7. Working on the HIghway 8. The Rising 9. Last To Die 10. Long Walk Home 11. Out In the Street 12. Cover Me 13. She’s The One and 14. Bobby Jean.
I see someone else posted that they did Backstreets but no one I talked to could confirm that. Same with Candys Room.
Some of the songs they worked on a few times and others they played straight through.
Very cold and a bit windy down on the boardwalk. About a dozen fans around.
Garry, Max and Roy signed autographs on their way in this morning.
A fan asked Jay Weinberg to sign an autograph on his way out and he was happy to do it.
A questo punto non credo ci siano più dubbi su chi sostituirà Max.
Speriamo che le scalette non diventino troppo statiche.