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In regalo per i primi 3 commentatori di questo post un bootleg di Springsteen a loro scelta.
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Piccolo aggiornamento della mia lista dei DVD bootleg di Springsteen.
8mm – brucevideos
New Jersey dream shows 1999
Bootleg DVD del concerto di Springsteen e la E-street band a Charlotte l’ 8 dicembre del 2002, il tour di The Rising
è ormai a quasi sei mesi.
Il bootleg è di monocamera filmato dall’ alto a sinistra. Ci sono diverse ostruzioni della visuale causa movimenti del pubblico.
La scaletta della serata:
01 The rising
02 Lonesome day
03 The ties that bind
04 Candy’s room
05 Night
06 Empty sky
07 You’re missing
08 Waitin’ on a sunny day
09 Darlington county
10 Worlds apart
11 Badlands
12 She’s the one
13 Mary’s place
14 Countin’ on a miracle
15 Backstreets
16 Into the fire
17 Where the bands are
18 Dancing in the dark
19 Born to run
20 My city of ruins
21 Born in the USA
22 Land of hope and dreams
23 Ramrod
24 Santa Claus is comin’ to town
Dello stesso concerto è uscita anche un’altra versione in DVD con migliore qualità audio/video.
Magic in the night di Rob Kirkpatrick.
Bellino, specialmente la prima parte. Da Human Touch / Lucky Town si perde un po’.
Qualcuno di voi lo ha letto?
Che ne dite?
Vedo adesso per la prima volta questo video del 2009 con Springsteen e The Gaslight Anthem, vi consiglio di darci un’occhiata.
Che ne pensate?
Come dicevo qui Springsteen e la E-street hanno suonato di nuovo.
La scaletta e i relativi commenti sono di Jbirenz di Backstreets:
Just back from the Carousel. Some quick thoughts before I go to sleep.
It was one of the greatest Bruce experiences I’ve ever had. Unique. A great party mood. It was basically a movie set. The band was set up in the middle of the Carousel, with wires and cords and tracks and lighting and cameras all around. There were about 60 of us let in; when we got in, there were already around 20 people (not counting crew) inside. Seems like they were mostly family and friends, including Bruce’s Mom (at one point Bruce pointed to where they were and joked that his relatives would be signing autographs later.) Danny Clinch was photographing. Jon Landau was there.
We were placed in 3 or 4 groups behind Max/the horns/Roy, and in front of Bruce/Steve/Clarence. Occasionally we were moved around, changed front-to-back, etc. Basically, each of us spent half the show behind the band, and half in front. They started at 4:35, ended at 7:45. 20 minute or so break in the middle.
There was a 5 piece horn section, including Ed Manion and Curt Rahm. No Nils, Patti, or Soozie. David Lindley played violin.
Set list:1. Racing In the Street (1978)
2. Gotta Get That Feeling
3. Outside Looking In
4. Come On (Let’s Go Tonight)
5. Save My Love
6. The Brokenhearted
7. Ain’t Good Enough for You
8. Talk To Me
9. The Promise
10. Blue Christmas
(Some songs might be out of order.) Every song was played through twice; IMO the second performance was always better. For some songs they re-did portions of the song after the second run-through.
Most exciting aspect — for 4 songs (Save My Love, Ain’t Good Enough For You, Talk to Me, Blue Christmas) Bruce brought the audience, all of us, right up to the band (front and back), and sometimes inside the band — literally amongst the players. At one point, during Ain’t Good Enough For You — a real party song — Bruce was on Roy’s piano, and a bunch of us were right in front of them. I was at the back of that group. Immediately behind me, a few inches behind me, Steve and Garry shared Steve’s mic singing. Bruce came off the piano, through the “crowd”, and joined them, and we all turned around — putting me basically just about with Bruce, Steve, and Garry. If I had leaned forward a few inches, I coulda been singing with them.
Bruce a few times referred to the audience as “the 59 of you”, and at one point said we were such a good audience that all future ESB shows would have audiences of 59 people, and then he told us that this audience of 59 would be the audience at future ESB shows.
The Brokenhearted was a revelation. It is (well, was) my least favorite song on The Promise. In concert it turned into a Memphis blues number. After the first take, Steve came over to the horns and, clearly not satisfied with how they performed it, gave them instructions. The second take was significantly better, and I watched Steve watching them with satisfaction. After the second take, Bruce and Steve came over and gave them more instructions, and they did a few more takes (I think of just the latter part of the song, but I’m not sure) and the ending, featuring the horns, was even more improved. I loved the song.
To me, Talk To Me was the power song of the night.
Bruce explained that Come On (Let’s Go Tonight) was largely about Elvis Presley’s death.
Blue Christmas was a rocking rendition.
They handed out Santa hats for all of us for the song.
Opportunities at the end for handshaking, etc. (I got a Bruce hug.)
No cameras or cell phones. What a pleasure — should be a rule at all concerts!
A quanto ho capito la registrazione del concerto dovrebbe essere trasmessa prima di Natale.
Qualcuno ha altre informazioni o ha sentito versioni diverse?
Leggendo qua e là in internet si inizia a parlare di un nuovo tour di Springsteen e la E-street band nel 2011.
You’ve heard about the folks over in Australia giddy over the rumor of a 2011 Springsteen tour that would hit the Land Down Under. So what if there’s no reputable source, and it will probably turn out to be The Wiggles instead? They can dream, can’t they?
L’ originale lo trovate qui.
Voi cosa ne pensate?
Fra l’ altro stasera cosa fate?
Pronti a partire?
Un po’ alla volta la sistemazione dei bootleg procede.
Oggi ho riscoperto questo vecchio bootleg di Springsteen datato 28 ottobre 1976.
Qualche dato:
Sony 158SD Cassette>CDR
Magix EQ, CD Wav Editor, Roxio
This is the final show in the Original Master Series recordings unless I hear otherwise.
This is from October 28, 1976.
When Mr Anonymous initially contacted me with these shows, he mentioned that his recordings circulated years ago, but what may be in circulation from his original recordings are copies of copies of copies of cassettes.
Meaning, that those in circulation are generations from his original master recording. Long before CDRs and Digital Downloads became the standard for trading music, there was the magic of tape trading. A copy of a cassette is not the same as a copy of a CD. Cassettes lose quality, whereas flac files and CDRs are lossless.
So, this was the motivation for re-releasing these recordings to the Bruce Springsteen fan community today.
Fanatic Records in association with Mr Anonymous is happy to share these shows with Bruce Tramps worldwide!
Enjoy and share!
Fanatic Records
La scaletta della serata:
04 4th of July Asbury, Park (Sandy)
05 A Fine Fine Girl
Seconda parte dell’intervista di Springsteen concessa a Rolling Stones nel 1992.
Did you ever think about not releasing ‘Human Touch’?
Yeah, except that every time I listened to it, I liked it. Also, I wanted to put out a lot of music, because I didn’t want to be dependent on my old songs when I went out to tour. I wanted to have a good body of work to draw from when I hit the stage.
And then I realized that the two albums together kind of tell one story. There’s Tunnel of Love, then there’s what happened in between, which is Human Touch, then there’s Lucky Town. And basically I said: “Well, hey – Guns n’ Roses! They put out two albums, maybe I’ll try it!”
There’s a perception out there – and a couple of the reviews of the albums mentioned it – that you’ve sealed yourself off from reality, living in a big house in L.A. and so forth. Yet based on what you’re saying, I assume you’d say the truth is quite the opposite.
Those are the cliches, and people have come to buy the cliches in rock music. You know, like it’s somehow much more acceptable to be addicted to heroin than to, say, hang out with jet-setters. But you know, it’s the old story. People don’t know what you’re doing unless they’re walking in your shoes a bit.
Some of your fans seem to think along the same lines, that by moving to LA. and buying a $14 million house, you’ve let them down or betrayed them.
I kept my promises. I didn’t get burned out. I didn’t waste myself. I didn’t die. I didn’t throw away my musical values. Hey, I’ve dug in my heels on all those things. And my music has been, for the most part, a positive liberating, living, uplifting thing. And along the way I’ve made a lot of money, and I bought a big house. And I love it. Love it. It’s great. It’s beautiful, really beautiful. And in some ways, it’s my first real home. I have pictures of my family there. And there’s a place where I make music, and a place for babies, and it’s like a dream.
I still love New Jersey. We go back all the time. I’ve been looking at a farm there that I might buy. I’d like my kids to have that, too. But I came out here, and I just felt like the guy who was born in the U.S.A. had left the bandanna behind, you know?
I’ve struggled with a lot of things over the past two, three years, and it’s been real rewarding. I’ve been very, very happy, truly the happiest I’ve ever been in my whole life. And it’s not that one-dimensional idea of “happy.” It’s accepting a lot of death and sorrow and mortality. It’s putting the script down and letting the chips fall where they may.
What’s been the toughest thing about being a father?
Engagement. Engagement. Engagement. You’re afraid to love something so much, you’re afraid to be that in love. Because a world of fear leaps upon you, particularly in the world that we live in. But then you realize: “Oh, I see, to love something so much, as much as I love Patti and my kids, you’ve got to be able to accept and live with that world of fear, that world of doubt, of the future. And you’ve got to give it all today and not hold back.” And that was my specialty; my specialty was keeping my distance so that if I lost something, it wouldn’t hurt that much. And you can do that, but you’re never going to have anything.
It’s funny, because the night my little boy was born, it was amazing. I’ve played onstage for hundreds of thousands of people, and I’ve felt my own spirit really rise some nights. But when he came out, I had this feeling of a kind of love that I hadn’t
experienced before. And the minute I felt it, it was terrifying. It [Cont. from 44 ] was like “Wow, I see. This love is here to be had and to be felt and experienced? To everybody, on a daily basis?” And I knew why you run, because it’s very frightening. But it’s also a window into another world And it’s the world that I want to live in right now.
Has having kids changed the way you look at your own parents?
It was amazing, actually, how much it did change. I’m closer to my folks now, and I think they feel closer to me. My pa, particularly. There must have been something about my own impending fatherhood that made him feel moved to address our relationship. I was kind of surprised; it came out of the blue.
He was never a big verbalizer, and I kind of talked to him through my songs. Not the best way to do that, you know. But I knew he heard them. And then, before Evan was born, we ended up talking about a lot of things I wasn’t sure that we’d ever actually address. It was probably one of the nicest gifts of my life. And it made my own impending fatherhood very rich and more resonant. It’s funny, because children are very powerful, they affect everything. And the baby wasn’t even born yet, but he was affecting the way people felt and the way they spoke to each other, the way they treated each other.
You said the song “Pony Boy” was one that your mother used to sing to you.
My grandmother sang it to me when I was young. I made up a lot of the words for the verses; I’m sure there are real words, but I’m not sure they’re the ones I used It was the song that I used to sing to my little boy when he was still inside of Patti. And when he came out, he knew it. It’s funny. And it used to work like magic. He’d be crying, and I’d sing it, and he’d stop on a dime. Amazing.
You and Patti had a big wedding, didn’t you?
It wasn’t that big, about eighty or ninety people. It was at the house, and it was a great day. You get to say out loud all the things that bring you to that place. I’m now a believer in all the rituals and things. I think they’re really valuable. And I know that getting married deepened our relationship. For a long time, I didn’t put a lot of faith in those things, but I’ve come to feel that they are important. Like, I miss going to church I’d like to, but I don’t know where to go. I don’t buy into all the dogmatic aspects, but I like the idea of people coming together for some sort of spiritual enrichment or enlightenment or even just to say hi once a week.
The fact that the country is spiritually bankrupt is something you’ve mentioned in connection with the riots in Los Angeles.
We’re kind of reaping what’s been sown, in a very sad fashion. I mean, the
legacy we’re leaving our kids right now is a legacy of dread. That’s a big part of what growing up in America is about right now: dread, fear, mistrust, blind hatred. We’re being worn down to the point where who you are, what you think, what you believe, where you stand, what you feel in your soul means nothing on a given day. Instead, it’s “What do you look like? Where are you from?” That’s frightening.
I remember in the early Eighties, I went back to the neighborhood where I put together my first band. It was always a mixed neighborhood, and I was with a friend of mine, and we got out of the car and were just walking around for about twenty minutes. And when I got back to the car, there were a bunch of older black men and younger guys, and they got all around the car and said, “What are you doing?” I said, “Well, I lived here for about four or five years,” and I just basically said what we were doing there. And they said: “No, what are you doing in our neighborhood? When we go to your neighborhood, we get stopped for just walking down the streets. People want to know what we’re doing in your neighborhood. So what are you doing in our neighborhood?” And it was pretty tense.
The riots broke out right after our second interview session. It was pretty frightening being in L.A. then.
It really felt like the wall was coming down. On Thursday {the day after the riots began}, we were down in Hollywood rehearsing, and people were scared. People were really scared. And then you were just, like, sad or angry.
At the end of the Sixties, there was a famous commission that Lyndon Johnson put together, and they said it would take a massive, sustained effort by the government and by the people to make life better in the inner cities. And all the things they started back then were dismantled in the last decade. And a lot of brutal signals were sent, which created a real climate for intolerance. And people picked up on it and ran with the ball. The rise of the right and of the radical right-wing groups is not accidental. David Duke – it’s embarrassing.
So we’ve been going backward. And we didn’t just come up short in our efforts to do anything about this, we came up bankrupt.
We’re selling our future away, and I don’t think anybody really believes that whoever is elected in the coming election is going to seriously address the issues in some meaningful fashion.
On the one hand there seems to be a tremendous sense of disillusionment in this country. Yet on the other hand, it seems like George Bush could be reelected.
I think so, too – but not on my vote. People have been flirting with the outside candidates, but that’s all I think it is. When they go put their money down, though, it always winds up being with someone in the mainstream. And the frustrating thing is,
you know it’s not going to work.
Do any of the candidates appeal to you?
What Jerry Brown is saying is true all that stuff is true. And I liked Jesse Jackson when he ran last time around. But I guess there hasn’t really been anyone who can bring these ideas to life, who can make people believe that there’s some other way.
America is a conservative country, it really is. I think that’s one thing the past ten years have shown. But I don’t know if people are really organized, and I don’t think there’s a figure out there who’s been able to embody the things that are eating away at the soul of the nation at large.
I mean, the political system has really broken down. We’ve abandoned a gigantic part of the population – we’ve just left them for dead. But we’re gonna have to pay the piper some day. But you worry about the life of your own children, and people live in such a state of dread that it affects the overall spiritual life of the nation as a whole. I mean, I live great, and plenty of people do, but it affects you internally in some fashion, and it just eats away at whatever sort of spirituality you pursue.
Do you see any cause for optimism ?
Well, somebody’s going to have to address these issues. I don’t think they can go unaddressed forever. I believe that the people won’t stand for it, ultimately. Maybe we’re not at that point yet. But at some point, the cost of not addressing these things is just going to be too high.
A lot of people have pointed out that rappers have addressed a lot of these issues. What kind of music do you listen to?
I like Sir Mix-a-Lot. I like Queen Latifah; I like her a lot. I also like Social Distortion. I think Somewhere Between Heaven and Hell is a great record, a great rock and roll album. “Born to Lose” is great stuff. I like Faith No More. I like Live; I think that guy {Edward Kowalczyk] is a really good singer. I like a song on the Peter Case record, “Beyond the Blues.” Really good song.
How do you keep up with whats happening musically?
Every three or four months I’ll just wander through Tower Records and buy, like, fifty things, and I get in my car and just pop things in and out. I’m a big curiosity buyer. Sometimes I get something just because of the cover. And then I also watch TV. On Sundays, I’ll flick on 120 Minutes and just see who’s doing what.
Mike Appel, your former manager, has contributed to a new book (‘Down Thunder Road: The Making of Bruce Springsteen’) that essentially claims that your current manager, Jon Landau, stole you out from under him.
Well, that’s a shame, you know, because what happened was Mike and I had kind of reached a place where our relationship had kind of bumped up against its limitations. We were a dead-end street. And Jon came in, and he had a pretty sophisticated point of view, and he had an idea how to solve some very fundamental problems, like how to record and where to record.
But Mike kind of turned Jon into his monster, maybe as a way of not turning me into one. It’s a classic thing: Who wants to blame themselves for something that went wrong? Nobody does. It’s tough to say, “Maybe I fucked it up.” But the truth is, if it hadn’t been Jon, it would have been somebody else – or nobody else, but I would have gone my own way. ]on didn’t say, “Hey, let’s do what I want to do.” He said, “I’m here to help you do what you’re going to do.” And that’s what he’s done since the day we met.
Two other people who used to work with you, ex-roadies, sued a few~years ago, charging that you hadn’t paid them overtime, among other things. What was your reaction to that?
It was disappointing. I worked with these two people for a long time, and I thought I’d really done the right thing. And when they left, it was handshakes and hugs all around, you know. And then about a year later, bang!
I think that if you asked the majority of people who had worked with me how they felt about the experience, they’d say they’d been treated really well. But it only takes one disgruntled or unhappy person, and that’s what everyone wants to hear; the drum starts getting beat. But outside of all that – the bullshit aspect of it – if you spend a long time with someone and there’s a very fundamental misunderstanding, well, you feel bad about it.
You recently appeared on ‘Saturday Night Live.’ It was the first time you ever performed on TV. How did you like it?
It felt very intense. You rehearse two or three times before you go on, but when we actually did it, it was Like “Okay, you’ve got three songs, you got to give it up.” It was different, but I really enjoyed it. I mean, I must not have been on TV for all this time for some reason, but now that I’ve done it, it’s like “Gee, why didn’t I do this before?” There must have been some reason. And I certainly think that I’m going to begin using television more in some fashion. I think it’s in the cards for me at this point, to find a way to reach people who might be interested in what I’m saying, what I’m singing about
I believe in this music as much as anything I’ve ever written. I think it’s the real
deal. I feel like I’m at the peak of my creative powers right now. I think that in my work I’m presenting a complexity of ideas that I’ve been struggling to get to in the past. And it took me ten years of hard work outside of the music to get to this place. Real hard work. But when I got here, I didn’t find bitterness and disillusionment. I found friendship and hope and faith in myself and a sense of purpose and passion. And it feels good. I feel like that great Sam and Dave song “Born Again.” I feel like a new man.