Ottawa Scaletta Springsteen 19.10.2012


Ieri sera è ripartito il tour di Wrecking Ball per l’ultimo leg del 2012.

Bruce Springsteen e la E-Street Band hanno suonato 26 canzoni:

1.  The Promised Land
2.  Ties That Bind
3.  No Surrender
4.  Hungry Heart
5.  We Take Care of Our Own 
6.  Wrecking Ball
7.  Death To My Hometown
8.  My City Of Ruins
9.  Spirit In the Night
10.  E Street Shuffle
11. Jack Of All Trades 
12. Prove It All Night (1978 intro) 
13. Candy’s Room

14. Darlington County
15. Shackled and Drawn 
16. Waiting on a Sunny Day
17. Drive All Night
18. The Rising
19. Badlands
20. Thunder Road 
21. Queen of the Supermarket 
22. We Are Alive
23. Born To Run
24. Glory Days
25.  Dancing in the Dark
26. Tenth Avenue Freeze-out 

Scaletta standard con l’eccezione di Queen Of The Supermarket.

Prossima fermata domenica sera ad Hamilton.

The Finnish Finish 31.07.2012

springsteen bootleg helsinki

springsteen bootleg helsinki

Questo bootleg testimonia l’ultimo concerto europeo di Bruce Springsteen e la E-Street Band durante il tour di Wrecking Ball.

Sembra ormai certo che il tour riprenderà nel 2013 con un nuovo leg anche in Europa.

Del concerto più lungo della carriera di Bruce e del pre-show acustico si è già detto tutto, non resta che attendere l’uscita del DVD bootleg, in modo da poter anche rivedere quella memorabile serata.


Title: The Finnish Finish
‘Label’: Vigorous Records / Ev2
Format: 4CD
Vigorous Catalog #: VR-52/53/54/55
Source: Audience.
Date: July 31, 2012.
Location: Olympic Stadium, Helsinki, Finland.

Zoom H2 outer mics > WAV > Ev2
Taper: tootai

Disc One:
01. I’ll Work For Your Love (acoustic)
02. Leap Of Faith
03. No Surrender
04. For You
05. Blinded By The Light

06. Rockin’ All Over The World
07. Night
08. Out In The Street
09. Loose Ends
10. Prove It All Night (’78 Intro)
11. We Take Care Of Our Own
12. Wrecking Ball
13. Death To My Hometown

Disc Two:
01. My City Of Ruins
02. Does This Bus Stop At 82nd Street?
03. Be True
04. Jack Of All Trades
05. Downbound Train
06. Because The Night
07. Lonesome Day
08. Darlington County
09. Light Of Day

Disc Three:
01. Shackled And Drawn
02. Waitin’ On A Sunny Day
03. Back In Your Arms
04. The Rising
05. Badlands
06. Land Of Hope And Dreams
07. Intro / “Strange Feeling Tonight”
08. We Are Alive

Disc Four:
01. Born In The U.S.A.
02. Born To Run
03. The Detroit Medley
04. Glory Days
05. Dancing In The Dark
06. Tenth Avenue Freeze-Out
07. I Don’t Want to Go Home
08. Higher And Higher
09. Twist And Shout

– D1 Tracks 1-5 (acoustic pre-show) from corenol’s master recording.
– No fades between tracks (for non-cd users).


“An Olympic feat tonight at Helsinki’s Olympic Stadium, as Bruce and the E Street Band make the myth real, finally doing what the legends say they’ve done for years: play a four-hour show. Four hours and five minutes, actually, Springsteen’s longest show to date by a fair margin ó and that’s not even counting a special acoustic set before the main event.”

Questa registrazione, secondo me, è la versione migliore fra i bootleg in circolazione.

Voi cosa ne pensate? Alternative?

Incident on 57th Street Springsteen Video 05.07.2012

Un’anticipazione del bootleg DVD del concerto di Springsteen e la E-Street Band lo scorso 5 luglio a Parigi.

Qui potete trovare la scaletta della serata.

Meadowlands Scaletta Springsteen 22.09.2012

Quella di questa notte è stata la terza ed ultima data del tour di Wrecking Ball nel New Jersey. A giudicare dalle scalette verra fuori proprio una bella raccolta di bootleg.

1. Out in the Street
2. The Ties That Bind
4. Badlands
5. Who’ll Stop the Rain
6. Cover Me
7. Downbound Train
8. We Take Care of Our Own
9. Wrecking Ball
10. Death to My Hometown
11. My City of Ruins
12. It’s Hard to be a Saint in the City
13. Jole Blon
14. This Little Girl
15. Pay Me My Money Down
16. Janey Don’t You Lose Heart
19. Because the Night
20. She’s the One
21. Working on the Frickin Highway
22. Shackled and Drawn
23. Waiting on a Sunny Day
24. Meeting Across the River
25. Jungleland
26. Thunder Road
27. Rocky Ground
28. Born to Run
29. Glory Days
30. 7 Nights to Rock
31. Dancing in the Dark
32. 10th Avenue Freeze Out
33. Twist and Shout

Il prossimo concerto di Bruce Springsteen e la E-Street Band sarà il 19 ottobre a Ottawa.

Meadowlands Scaletta Springsteen 21.09.2012

Bruce Springsteen e la E-Street Band ieri sera hanno suonato a East Rutherford per la seconda serata del tour di Wrecking Ball.



2. Out in the Street
3. Night
4. Hungry Heart
5. No Surrender
6. Lost in the Flood
7. We Take Care of Our Own
8. Wrecking Ball
9. Death to My Hometown
10. My City of Ruins
11. Does This Bus Stop at 82nd Street?
12. JOLE BLON (request; w/ Gary U.S. Bonds)
13. THIS LITTLE GIRL (w/ Gary U.S. Bonds)
15. Talk to Me
16. This Depression
17. Shackled and Drawn
19. Waitin’ on a Sunny Day
20. Incident on 57th Street
21. Rosalita (Come Out Tonight)
22. Rocky Ground 
23. Born to Run 
24. Ramrod 
25. Bobby Jean 
26. Dancing in the Dark 
27. Tenth Avenue Freeze-out 
28. American Land 

Questa sera si chiude e poi pausa fino al 19 ottobre quando il tour ricomincerà da Ottawa.

La lista dei bootleg da avere si allunga!

Secondo voi cosa si inventerà per questa sera?

Meadowlands Scaletta Springsteen 19.09.2012

by Lef IV 

Prima sera nel New Jersey per Bruce Springsteen e la E-Street Band.

Apertura inedita con Shacked & Drawn, mentre la tour première della serata è Mansion On The Hill;  da segnalare anche la presenza di Vini Lopez sul palco per un paio di canzoni.

Secondo Greasy Lake, da dove ho preso la scaletta, il concerto è durato 3 ore e 46 minuti.


8:29 Lights Out – Sinatra’s Summer Wind playing over PA
1.  Shackled & Drawn
2.  Prove It All Night (78 Intro)
3.  The Ties That Bind
4.  Hungry Heart
5.  We Take Care of Our Own
6.  Wrecking Ball
7.  Death to My Hometown
8.  My City of Ruins
9.  Spirit In the Night
10.  E Street Shuffle (w/Vini Lopez)
11.  Jack of All Trades
12.  Human Touch
13.  Johnny 99
14.  Darlington County
15.  Working On the Highway
16.  Easy Money
17.  The Promised Land
18.  Waitin’ On a Sunny Day
20.  Racing In The Streets
21.  The Rising
22.  Badlands
23.  Land of Hope & Dreams
24.  We Are Alive
25.  Thunder Road
26.  Born To Run
27.  Rosalita (Come Out Tonight?)
28.  Dancing In the Dark
29.  Tenth Avenue Freeze-Out (w/Vini on Tambourine) 
30.  Twist & Shout (w/ Fireworks)
3 hours & 46 minutes 

Prossimo concerto, stesso posto e stessa ora domani sera venerdì 21 settembre.

Washington Scaletta Springsteen 14.09.2012

In velocità la scaletta del concerto di Springsteen e la E-Street ieri sera a Washington:

Eccetto Blinded By The Light niente di eccezionale:

1. Prove It All Night (78 Intro)
2. My Love Will Not Let You Down
3. The Ties That Bind
4. Hungry Heart
5. We Take Care Of Our Own
6. Wrecking Ball
7. Death To My Hometown
8. My City Of Ruins
9. Spirit In The Night
11. Jack Of All Trades
12. Jackson Cage
13. She’s The One
14. Johnny 99
15. Darlington County
16. Shackeld & Drawn
17. Waitin’ on a Sunny Day
18. The Promised Land
19. Racing In The Street
20. The Rising
21. Badlands
22. Land of Hope & Dreams
23. We Are Alive
24. Thunder Road
25. Born to Run
26. Detroit Medley
27. Dancing In the Dark
28. Tenth Avenue Freeze-Out
29. American Land (w/Ali Weinberg on accordion)
30. Twist & Shout

Prossimo concerto mercoledì 19 settembre ad East Rutherford.

Chicago Scaletta Springsteen 08.09.2012

springsteen setlist chicago
Springsteen Setlist Chicago

Seconda data a Chicago per Bruce Springsteen e la E-Street Band.  Anche ieri sono saliti sul palco Tom Morello e Eddie Vedder.


1. The Promised Land
2. Ties That Bind
3. No Surrender
4. Hungry Heart
5. We Take Care Of Our Own
6. Wrecking Ball
7. Death To My Hometown ( w Tom Morello )
8. My City Of Ruin
9. E Street Shuffle
10. Pay Me My Money Down
11. This Depression ( w Tom Morello )
12. My Hometown ( wEddie Vedder ) 
13. Darkness on the Edge of Town ( wEddie Vedder )
14. Because The Night
15. Working On The Highway
16. Shackled and Drawn
17. Waiting On A Sunny Day
18. Who’ll Stop The Rain
19. The Ghost of Tom Joad ( w Tom Morello )
20. Badlands
21. Thunder Road
22. Rocky Ground
23. Born To Run
24. Rosalita
25. Dancing In The Dark
26. 10th Avenue Freeze Out
27. American Land 

La scaletta, come al solito, la ho presa da Greasy Lake.

Il tour di Wrecking Ball riprenderà venerdì prossimo da Washington.

Chicago Scaletta Springsteen 07.09.2012

springsteen chicago first night setlist

Quello di ieri sera è stato il primo concerto del tour di Wrecking Ball a Chicago. Questa è la scaletta suonata da Bruce Springsteen e la E-Street Band con i suoi ospiti Tom Morello ed Eddie Vedder.


1. Prove It All Night (78 Intro)

2. My Love Will Not Let You Down
3. Out in the Street
4. Hungry Heart
5. We Take Care of Our Own
6. Wrecking Ball
7. Death to My Hometown (With Tom Morello)
8. My City of Ruins
9. Spirit In The Night
10. Trapped
11. Jack of All Trades (With Tom Morello)
12. Atlantic City (With Eddie Vedder)

13. Lonesome Day

14. I’m Goin’ Down
15. Darlington County
16. Shackled and Drawn
17. Waiting on a Sunny Day
19. Ghost of Tom Joad (With Tom Morello)
20. Badlands
21. Land of Hope and Dreams
22. We Are Alive
23. Thunder Road
24. Born to Run
25. Dancing in the Dark
26. Jungleland
27. Tenth Avenue Freeze-out
28. Twist and Shout

Non male per essere la prima serata, cosa ne dite?

Stasera si replica!