Sono decisamente nel periodo Devils & Dust. Che tour meraviglioso!
Author Archives: Tsitalia
I’ve Got The Faith Tonight 01.08.2005
Splendido bootleg dvd della sera del primo agosto 2005 in pieno tour di Devils & Dust.
Uscito da poco come secondo volume della serie UBERS challenge.
Peccato sia parziale. A questo link potete trovare un estratto.
Ecco la scaletta (da
01 Two for the road (solo piano)
02 Reason to believe
03 Devils and dust
04 Empty sky
05 Long time coming
06 Silver Palomino
07 Janey, don’t you lose heart (solo piano)
08 The promise (solo piano)
09 The river (solo piano)
10 Ain’t got you (electric guitar)
11 Cynthia
12 Living proof
13 Reno
14 Walk like a man (solo piano)
15 Racing in the street (solo piano)
16 The rising
17 Darkness on the edge of town
18 Jesus was an only son (solo piano)
19 Two hearts
20 The Hitter
21 Matamoros banks
22 Open all night (electric guitar)
23 This hard land
24 The promised land
25 Dream baby dream (on pump organ)
Long time coming dal concerto di Springsteen del 19 maggio 2005 durante il tour di Devils & Dust.
A richiesta ricomincia la serie del meglio dei mesi precedenti.
Data la scarsità di post di questo ultimo periodo mi limiterò a 3 post per ogni mese.
In prima posizione a gennaio troviamo il post con le voci di un nuovo tour di Springsteen a primavera, a seguire il post con il meglio del 2010 mentre in conclusione c’e’ il bootleg di un concerto di Springsteen del 1975.
Video tratto dall’ ultimo concerto di Springsteen a Buffalo durante il tour di Working on a dream.
Buona visione e buon fine settimana.
Ed eccoci a Roma per la seconda tappa italiana del tour di Devils & Dust.
Pubblico molto più disciplinato di quello bolognese.
La scaletta delle serata:
01. Intro
02. I’m On Fire
03. Reason To Believe
04. Devils & Dust
05. Empty Sky
06. Long Time Comin’
07. Silver Palomino
08. Incident On 57th Street
09. The River
10. State Trooper
11. All The Way Home
12. Nebraska
13. Brilliant Disguise
14. Reno
01. Real World
02. Racing In The Street
03. The Rising
04. Lucky Town
05. Jesus Was An Only Son
06. Leah
07. The Hitter
08. Matamoros Banks
09. Ramrod
10. Land Of Hope And Dreams
11. The Promised Land
12. Dream Baby Dream
Questa versione di My Hometown di Springsteen
non l’avevo mai sentita.
Non mi dispiace però, voi che ne dite?
La versione originale dell’ articolo la trovate qui.
Buona lettura.
When one thinks of religion, rock ‘n’ roll music usually does not come to mind. However, Bruce Springsteen’s music forces some to rethink this very notion. At 5 p.m. April 14 in Wingate 202, the Departments of Religion, Anthropology and Music co-sponsored a discussion titled “Religion and Bruce Springsteen.”
Wake Forest alumna Linda Randall and author of Finding Grace in the Concert Hall led the discussion. Randall received her Master’s degree in Religion and Culture and is now a professor at the Empire State College. Her book began as her major thesis after her adviser told her to follow her passions.
Randall was first introduced to Springsteen in 1975 when she was 24-years-old, but did not see him again until 1999. Randall went to her fourth Springsteen concert alone, and it was the first time she had attended any event alone. She wanted to see if the feelings she first experienced upon viewing Springsteen live could be reproduced. “What I felt was not a rock ‘n’ roll concert,” she said. “I felt like all my sins in life were forgiven.”
To date, and just over the course of nine years, Randall has seen 70 shows and has traveled to Northern Ireland, Australia, Italy, France, New Zealand and many other countries.
Randall has seen the way people are connected with each other and she has observed the calls and responses between Springsteen and his audience, and has been left continually amazed. Initially, Randall was sure not to confuse her emotions for contagious enthusiasm and said, “I’ve never been a joiner. I don’t join clubs or organizations, but still when I was at the show, I felt that I was a part of something.”
All of Springsteen’s songs have a thread of redemption and hope and Randall finds his honesty and sincerity very appealing. The topics of his songs also include justice, friendship and honesty. “He believes what he writes and he writes what he believes,” she said. After “coming to Bruce,” Randall started to surf the Internet and found an entire community of Bruce fans who were both welcoming and tolerant of other people’s opinions.
Fans often refer to themselves as the Springsteen Nation or the Church of Bruce.
Randall spoke of a time when she solicited money for a food bank and within 20 minutes, she received $3,000 from the online community of Bruce fans, who completely trusted her with the belief that she was a fan and therefore would never deceive them.
Randall found that these fans do not look to Springsteen as a god. Rather, listening to his music provides them with a religious experience.
Though Springsteen usually does not disclose information about his philanthropic efforts, Randall said that Springsteen has made many contributions to the Kristen Anna Carr Fund, the Community Foundation of New Jersey, the City of Hope, the Second Harvest Food Bank, amongst many other organizations.
According to Randall, Bruce Springsteen is the closest thing many people have to religion.
The church is no longer the sole medium to supply religious fervence nor is it the sole medium through which people experience spirituality.
Randall adds that for many, organized religion no longer provides inspiration and enlightenment, however, music has provided such fulfillment.
Chris D’Auria, Wake Forest fellow of the Catholic Campus Ministry responded to the event.
“I always find it interesting when elements of religion are discovered in secular sources,” D’Auria said.
“After hearing the lecture, I would love to experience this firsthand, sooner rather than later.”
Un breve video per augurarvi un buon fine settimana e una buona Pasqua.
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Born to run the unseen photos è un meraviglioso libro fotografico che raccoglie gli scatti originali di Eric Meola
per la copertina di Born to Run.
Gran bel prodotto, vi consiglio di prenderlo se vi capita l’ occasione.
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