Mi sembra incredibile ma sono passati più di 10 anni dai miei primi concerti di Springsteen e la E-street band.

Ecco le scalette dei miei concerti dell’ aprile 1999, Barcelona prima e seconda serata.

Barcelona 09.04.1999

01 My love will not let you down
02 Prove it all night
03 Two hearts
04 Darkness on the edge of town
05 Mansion on the hill
06 The river
07 Youngstown
08 Murder inc.
09 Badlands
10 Out in the street
11 10th avenue freeze-out
12 Tougher than the rest
13 Lucky town
14 Spirit in the night
15 The ghost of Tom Joad
16 The promised land
17 She’s the one
18 Backstreets
19 Light of day
20 Streets of Philadelphia
21 Bobby Jean
22 Born to run
23 Thunder road
24 If I should fall behind
25 Land of hope and dreams

Barcelona 11.04.1999

01 Rendezvous
02 The promised land
03 Two hearts
04 Prove it all night
05 Darkness on the edge of town
06 Mansion on the hill
07 The river
08 Youngstown
09 Murder inc.
10 Badlands
11 Darlington county
12 10th avenue freeze-out
13 Independence day
14 Tougher than the rest
15 My love will not let you down
16 Bobby Jean
17 The ghost of Tom Joad
18 Born in the USA
19 Brothers under the bridge
20 Light of day
21 Out in the street
22 Born to run
23 Thunder road
24 If I should fall behind
25 Land of hope and dreams

Della seconda serata è uscito, finalmente, il DVD bootleg del concerto, qui trovate i dettagli.
