First Niagara Center Buffalo

First Niagara Center Buffalo
Il tour di Wrecking Ball è iniziato da meno di un mese quando Bruce Springsteen e la E-Street Band fanno tappa a Buffalo.
Gran bella scaletta che fra le altre cose include anche Rendezvous, Montain of Love e Point Blank.
Non perdetevi l’introduzione (Star Time Intro) e fatemi sapere cosa ne dite.
Il bootleg:
Bruce Springsteen & The E Street Band
First Niagara Center, Buffalo, NY
April 13, 2012
Recorded from section 209:
Church Audio CA-14 > CA-UGLY PreAmp >
Edirol R-09HR > CD Wave Editor >
Cool Edit Pro for boosts and fades >
Trader’s Little Helper > FLAC
disc one:
Buffalo Gals PA intro
Buffalo Gals
Star Time Intro
We Take Care of Our Own
Wrecking Ball
The Ties That Bind
Death to My Hometown
My City of Ruins
Mountain of Love
Jack of All Trades
Prove It All Night
Darkness on the Edge of Town
disc two:
Shackled & Drawn
Waitin’ on a Sunny Day
The Promised Land
Apollo Medley
Point Blank
American Skin (41 Shots)
The Rising
Lonesome Day
We Are Alive
Thunder Road
disc three:
Rocky Ground (with Michelle Moore)
Born to Run
Dancing in the Dark
Tenth Avenue Freeze-out
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